
Life and death problems are difficult.

My wife and daughter went to the home town of my wife. Yeah! I can play igo all I want!!

My 82nd KGS game (vs [8k], komi: 6.5, W)

The black invaded the upper left corner. How do you play at the next white move?

I played attachment at C18. It's not correct. I had to play jump at A.

If so, I could kill the black group by nakade. The jump of 1 is not so difficult. I must have the correct answer, if it were a problem in a book. I still need more training!

By the way, the application in my computer took note of a point at which the white must add a stone in the center.

Yes. The white wall is broken, if the black plays cut at A.

The white can't escape at 2. If so, the white big group will be captured by 3. The white must compromise at A and the black turns the game.

I couldn't find the point at all...

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