I had 41 wins and 39 losses in this year. My winning percentage was almost 50% and my lank remained in 8k for about 1 year.
My aim in this year was memorizing the "Hitome" series. It's a famous series of books about some technique of go for beginners. The series has life-and-death problems, good tactical move, race to capture, opening, endgame and so on. It has about 10 books now.
I finished memorizing almost all books of the series this year.
The aim was not to read but to "memorize". I had to read over 10 times each book for memorizing. It's hard, but I done.
Nevertheless, my lank has not gone up...
Let's enjoy igo!!
This is a record of my igo life. I write mainly playback of my igo game.
My English is not good. I feel grateful if you take some comments to point out my wrong English.
I met with a setback.
It's too hard for me to wright articles in English. I'll wright them not in English but also in Japanese from now. I'll wright in English some articles about my feelings of my games and of some topic of igo and so on. I'll wright in Japanese some articles about some techniques of igo.
Now, I played the 100th KGS game, while I didn't wright any articles. The lost games are over 10 games more than the wins. That's why, I keep 8k for around 1 year.
I'll think the cause.
This is the last situation of the game which I introduced in the last article (The white is me). I played block when the black played bend. I didn't use a second for the play.
You can see, can't you? It's an easy oiotoshi. I resigned at the next play.
I will play like it so many time. I can't see some dangers. I'll not be able to become strong than at present, if I can not see dangers.
For the time being, I'm going to read 5 moves at each play.
Now, I played the 100th KGS game, while I didn't wright any articles. The lost games are over 10 games more than the wins. That's why, I keep 8k for around 1 year.
I'll think the cause.
This is the last situation of the game which I introduced in the last article (The white is me). I played block when the black played bend. I didn't use a second for the play.
You can see, can't you? It's an easy oiotoshi. I resigned at the next play.
I will play like it so many time. I can't see some dangers. I'll not be able to become strong than at present, if I can not see dangers.
For the time being, I'm going to read 5 moves at each play.
KGS第113局(対 9k、定先、白)
黒5子が完全につながり、△の白が弱くなってしまった。 Bと下から切っていた場合、
KGS第113局(対 9k、定先、白)
黒5子が完全につながり、△の白が弱くなってしまった。 Bと下から切っていた場合、
Set sequences are fatal.
I play games not for winning but for developing my skill of igo. That's why, I rarely play at 3-4 points or use the Chinese opening. Because they have only a few variations of stone shape in their opening. And because I tend to play without thinking in their opening.
I'd like to play with consideration at all play. And
I love uncertain battles!!
My 83rd KGS game (vs [7k], komi: 0.5, B)
Recently, I play at 6-4 points in black and 5-3 points in white.
In the game, the opponent invaded soon at star points, when I played at 6-4 points.
I know the set sequences in the situation. After all, I could play first in other two corners, because I got the initiative in upper right corner. And I won by holding out the advantage.
I used a set sequence against my policy. Who knows a sequence can unilaterally control the game, if the opponent didn't know the sequence. And almost all players around 8k don't know the sequences of 6-4 points.
It may not be good to play at 6-4 points for my progress.
I'm gonna play normally from next game.
I'll play at 6-4 points, when I become around 3k.
I'd like to play with consideration at all play. And
I love uncertain battles!!
My 83rd KGS game (vs [7k], komi: 0.5, B)
Recently, I play at 6-4 points in black and 5-3 points in white.
In the game, the opponent invaded soon at star points, when I played at 6-4 points.
I know the set sequences in the situation. After all, I could play first in other two corners, because I got the initiative in upper right corner. And I won by holding out the advantage.
I used a set sequence against my policy. Who knows a sequence can unilaterally control the game, if the opponent didn't know the sequence. And almost all players around 8k don't know the sequences of 6-4 points.
It may not be good to play at 6-4 points for my progress.
I'm gonna play normally from next game.
I'll play at 6-4 points, when I become around 3k.
Life and death problems are difficult.
My wife and daughter went to the home town of my wife. Yeah! I can play igo all I want!!
My 82nd KGS game (vs [8k], komi: 6.5, W)
The black invaded the upper left corner. How do you play at the next white move?
I played attachment at C18. It's not correct. I had to play jump at A.
If so, I could kill the black group by nakade. The jump of 1 is not so difficult. I must have the correct answer, if it were a problem in a book. I still need more training!
By the way, the application in my computer took note of a point at which the white must add a stone in the center.
Yes. The white wall is broken, if the black plays cut at A.
The white can't escape at 2. If so, the white big group will be captured by 3. The white must compromise at A and the black turns the game.
I couldn't find the point at all...
My 82nd KGS game (vs [8k], komi: 6.5, W)
The black invaded the upper left corner. How do you play at the next white move?
I played attachment at C18. It's not correct. I had to play jump at A.
If so, I could kill the black group by nakade. The jump of 1 is not so difficult. I must have the correct answer, if it were a problem in a book. I still need more training!
By the way, the application in my computer took note of a point at which the white must add a stone in the center.
Yes. The white wall is broken, if the black plays cut at A.
The white can't escape at 2. If so, the white big group will be captured by 3. The white must compromise at A and the black turns the game.
I couldn't find the point at all...
Between two stools one falls to the ground.
I have a habit to get greedy, when I think I gain an upper hand. And I suffer a loss, after all. I have play that many many time.
My 81st KGS game (vs [9k], Komi: 6.5 points, W)
I played 5-3 point in the lower left corner. A fierce battle happened because the opponent and I didn't know set sequences about 5-3 point. What do you play in the situation? Yes. Everyone plays hane at F2. However...
I played descent at B7!
I jumped to the conclusion that I could capture the black groups marked both triangle and square by the play. I must play hane at A, if the situation were a question in a workbook.
The white group marked square was dead of course. In addition, the white group marked triangle was almost captured. I was brought from paradise into hell.
I want to break with greed...
My 81st KGS game (vs [9k], Komi: 6.5 points, W)
I played 5-3 point in the lower left corner. A fierce battle happened because the opponent and I didn't know set sequences about 5-3 point. What do you play in the situation? Yes. Everyone plays hane at F2. However...
I played descent at B7!
I jumped to the conclusion that I could capture the black groups marked both triangle and square by the play. I must play hane at A, if the situation were a question in a workbook.
The white group marked square was dead of course. In addition, the white group marked triangle was almost captured. I was brought from paradise into hell.
I want to break with greed...
I'm chicken.
I played igo for the first time in 1 month. I'd like to play igo more often.
My 77th KGS game (vs [8k], Komi: 0.5, W)
The opponent had tried too hard in the center. I had to kill the G7 big black group. I read the H8 two white stones were safe. If the black extended at J9, the two white stones were safe by ladder[ atari at H9(W), extend at J10(B), atari at J11(W), turn at H10(B), wedge at G10(W)]. However...
I played extend at H9. Why??
It's needless play. Although I had read the ladder... I had to play knight's move at A. After that I couldn't kill the G7 big black group and I lost the game.
I have a habit to play in too safety. I'm conservative on a routine basis. That is why I can't get good for igo. I want foolhardiness.
My 77th KGS game (vs [8k], Komi: 0.5, W)
The opponent had tried too hard in the center. I had to kill the G7 big black group. I read the H8 two white stones were safe. If the black extended at J9, the two white stones were safe by ladder[ atari at H9(W), extend at J10(B), atari at J11(W), turn at H10(B), wedge at G10(W)]. However...
I played extend at H9. Why??
It's needless play. Although I had read the ladder... I had to play knight's move at A. After that I couldn't kill the G7 big black group and I lost the game.
I have a habit to play in too safety. I'm conservative on a routine basis. That is why I can't get good for igo. I want foolhardiness.
I don't know when to give up.
I don't have enough time to play igo, because I'm very busy to work, take care my daughter, take care my wife ( lol ) and so on. That's why I have a policy to set up a theme for each game. The theme of this game was "switching elsewhere".
My 76th KGS game (vs [6k], komi: 0.5, B)
It's the situation in which the opponent played approach move in the upper left corner. I had played bad move in the right side. Anyway, I had to switch elsewhere. The corner enclosure at A or the wedge at B were the major candidates.
After that, the white played at upper right corner in first. That's why, the white gut an advantage. Switching elsewhere is difficult.
After deciding the overall outcome, it happened a unpleasant incident.
The endgame didn't finish yet. However,
the opponent played pass!!
I must lose by large difference. But I haven't yet resign. The opponent should play the endgame.
Am I wrong?
My 76th KGS game (vs [6k], komi: 0.5, B)
It's the situation in which the opponent played approach move in the upper left corner. I had played bad move in the right side. Anyway, I had to switch elsewhere. The corner enclosure at A or the wedge at B were the major candidates.
After that, the white played at upper right corner in first. That's why, the white gut an advantage. Switching elsewhere is difficult.
After deciding the overall outcome, it happened a unpleasant incident.
The endgame didn't finish yet. However,
the opponent played pass!!
I must lose by large difference. But I haven't yet resign. The opponent should play the endgame.
Am I wrong?
I came back to Japan.
I couldn't have internet access over 1 month, because I moved out Manila and came back to Japan in last March. I may be not able to write in my blog like I used to, because I started work again. I try writing in my blog every 2 weeks.
I review a match in the 2 months.
My 73th KGS game (vs [7k], Komi: 0.5, B)
I captured the white big group in the lower side. I thought I would never lose the match. But I took many mistakes after that.
I played wedge at O16 after the white move marked square. It's unconsidered play. I was captured the black group in the upper right corner. I had to play attachment at A.
I was captured 2 stones marked square, although I captured the white group marked triangle. I lost big territory, because the white group marked triangle made from an impossible invasion in my moyo.
At last, I mistook a tesuji. Of course I had to play throw-in at E1.
I couldn't play correct move, although I studied tesuji everyday over 3 months...
But I won by 14.5 points owing to the saving in the lower side.
All moves are here.
I review a match in the 2 months.
My 73th KGS game (vs [7k], Komi: 0.5, B)
I captured the white big group in the lower side. I thought I would never lose the match. But I took many mistakes after that.
I played wedge at O16 after the white move marked square. It's unconsidered play. I was captured the black group in the upper right corner. I had to play attachment at A.
I was captured 2 stones marked square, although I captured the white group marked triangle. I lost big territory, because the white group marked triangle made from an impossible invasion in my moyo.
At last, I mistook a tesuji. Of course I had to play throw-in at E1.
I couldn't play correct move, although I studied tesuji everyday over 3 months...
But I won by 14.5 points owing to the saving in the lower side.
All moves are here.
I don't like ko. However...
I'm not good at ko. I have won ko few times.
My 63th KGS game (vs [7k], komi: 0.5, B)
I got greedy, when the white played jump at H4. I played attachment at B. I had to play knighte's move at A. If I played so, the black group in the lower side could live easily.
After all, it became ko because of my greed...
The opponent avoided ko in the lower side. It's lucky for me.
However I played bad move. I connected at B, when the white played ate. I misunderstood the number of liberty of the Q6 black group. I could play connection at A.
It became ko again...
When I played first ko threat, the opponent didn't play in time. Fortunately I won.
All moves are here.
I have two ko threats more at the points marked triangle. The opponent has only one ko threat at the point marked square. But the points marked A and B may work as ko threat of the white.
When the white play the ko threat at A, if I connect at 2, the black will win the fight by the order of moves.
About at B, the black group in the left side will live by the sequence of moves.
In conclusion, neither A nor B works as ko threat. However I'm unconcern of my ability to play the correct order of moves. I was very lucky to win.
My 63th KGS game (vs [7k], komi: 0.5, B)
I got greedy, when the white played jump at H4. I played attachment at B. I had to play knighte's move at A. If I played so, the black group in the lower side could live easily.
After all, it became ko because of my greed...
The opponent avoided ko in the lower side. It's lucky for me.
However I played bad move. I connected at B, when the white played ate. I misunderstood the number of liberty of the Q6 black group. I could play connection at A.
It became ko again...
When I played first ko threat, the opponent didn't play in time. Fortunately I won.
All moves are here.
I have two ko threats more at the points marked triangle. The opponent has only one ko threat at the point marked square. But the points marked A and B may work as ko threat of the white.
When the white play the ko threat at A, if I connect at 2, the black will win the fight by the order of moves.
About at B, the black group in the left side will live by the sequence of moves.
In conclusion, neither A nor B works as ko threat. However I'm unconcern of my ability to play the correct order of moves. I was very lucky to win.
A tesuji decides the outcome of a game.
I study tesuji with some books lately. That's why, I became to be able to look at some tesuji in some games.
My 59th KGS game (vs [4k], 4 stones game, B)
I could capture the N6 white group by a tesuji. It's a result of the study. I was very happy. But...

When the white played parallel move at O18, I played descent at B. If I played block at A, I would win easily. It became a complicate fight in the game, although.
When the white played cut at Q15, I couldn't find a nice play in time. I lost by running out of time.
Can you find a tesuji in this situation?
Yes. If I played turn at O19, I could win the fight. Tesuji is terribly important. When both player play many tesuji in a game, it will be a beautiful and interesting game.
The game was a really exiting game for me, although I lost!
All moves are here.
My 59th KGS game (vs [4k], 4 stones game, B)
I could capture the N6 white group by a tesuji. It's a result of the study. I was very happy. But...

When the white played parallel move at O18, I played descent at B. If I played block at A, I would win easily. It became a complicate fight in the game, although.
When the white played cut at Q15, I couldn't find a nice play in time. I lost by running out of time.
Can you find a tesuji in this situation?
Yes. If I played turn at O19, I could win the fight. Tesuji is terribly important. When both player play many tesuji in a game, it will be a beautiful and interesting game.
The game was a really exiting game for me, although I lost!
All moves are here.
We thought the game had finished. However...
When I captured a big group of the opponent, I get used to think I will win the game. Many players probably think so. But of course it's not always true.
My 57th KGS game (vs [13k], 4 stones game, W)
The opponent resigned in this situation, because the M11 big black group was dead. I thought the decision was correct. However...
If the black had played to interrupt at E7, the white group marked triangle was dead. If so, the game came from behind.
I had not to play to brak an eye at N8, but to play to connect at E7, because the M11 black group couldn't have two eyes, even if I played tenuki.
And I made a computer play as the white to check whether there was a sequence of moves with which the white group marked triangle could live or not.
The computer found a completely different play.
If the white play to approach at S13, the black group marked triangle can not make two eyes!
I was not aware of it completely.
In the end, the decision of the opponent resigning was correct, because the play of the white to connect at E7 and to approach at S13 were miai. That is to say, the game had finished.
All moves are here.
My 57th KGS game (vs [13k], 4 stones game, W)
The opponent resigned in this situation, because the M11 big black group was dead. I thought the decision was correct. However...
If the black had played to interrupt at E7, the white group marked triangle was dead. If so, the game came from behind.
I had not to play to brak an eye at N8, but to play to connect at E7, because the M11 black group couldn't have two eyes, even if I played tenuki.
And I made a computer play as the white to check whether there was a sequence of moves with which the white group marked triangle could live or not.
The computer found a completely different play.
If the white play to approach at S13, the black group marked triangle can not make two eyes!
I was not aware of it completely.
In the end, the decision of the opponent resigning was correct, because the play of the white to connect at E7 and to approach at S13 were miai. That is to say, the game had finished.
All moves are here.
An idle mind is the debil's workshop.
I will make thickness in the center. That's why I will attack invading stones in my thickness.
My 56th KGS game (vs [7k], 2 stones game, B)
I had thought that I could easily kill the white group in the center before white playing attachment at L7.
I read block at L6 first. It would happen the battle of ko at A, because the black would be cut at M6.
That's why I played wedge at L8 without thinking.
The white group easily connected to the group in the lower side...
On the contrary, the black group in the center was in clutch.
Fortunately, the black group escaped death, because of some mistakes of the opponent. And I won.
All moves are here.
I have to think much further.
My 56th KGS game (vs [7k], 2 stones game, B)
I had thought that I could easily kill the white group in the center before white playing attachment at L7.
I read block at L6 first. It would happen the battle of ko at A, because the black would be cut at M6.
That's why I played wedge at L8 without thinking.
The white group easily connected to the group in the lower side...
On the contrary, the black group in the center was in clutch.
Fortunately, the black group escaped death, because of some mistakes of the opponent. And I won.
All moves are here.
I have to think much further.
Good bye Diamond!
I'll stop to use the Diamond Opening, because it must lead to the Cosmic Style. I love the Cosmic Style. It's difficult to make full use of it, though.
My 46th KGS game (vs [10k], Komi: 0.5, W)
I made thickness in the center. That's why I thought I was leading. However...
The opponent broke the white fence at the right side from paying wedge at A. Although I thought it was even at that time.
However the white fence at the left side was broken too...
I resigned. All moves are here.
The Cosmic Style is too difficult! I'll stop to use the Diamond Opening!
Good bye the Diamond Opening!
My 46th KGS game (vs [10k], Komi: 0.5, W)
I made thickness in the center. That's why I thought I was leading. However...
The opponent broke the white fence at the right side from paying wedge at A. Although I thought it was even at that time.
However the white fence at the left side was broken too...
I resigned. All moves are here.
The Cosmic Style is too difficult! I'll stop to use the Diamond Opening!
Good bye the Diamond Opening!
Ko is so difficult.
I'm weak on ko. I feel myself compelled to make ko without thinking. I always lose ko, because I make a mistake in some ko threats. How about you?
My 44th KGS game (vs [5k], 4 stones game, B)
This is the situation that I tried ko at O12. I thought that the ko was important for the white rather than me.
However, I made a mistake in response to a ko threat of the white. I had to play not extend at 2 but atari at 3.
After that, I thought that I had to win the capturing race of O10 black group against Q11 white group.
That's why, I played the block at S12. However, it's losing move, because the white captured the ko at the next move. I had to connect the ko at A before playing the block. If so, I would win the capturing race.
After all, I resigned.
All moves are here.
I lost the game too because of losing a ko.
I dislike ko!
My 44th KGS game (vs [5k], 4 stones game, B)
This is the situation that I tried ko at O12. I thought that the ko was important for the white rather than me.
However, I made a mistake in response to a ko threat of the white. I had to play not extend at 2 but atari at 3.
After that, I thought that I had to win the capturing race of O10 black group against Q11 white group.
That's why, I played the block at S12. However, it's losing move, because the white captured the ko at the next move. I had to connect the ko at A before playing the block. If so, I would win the capturing race.
After all, I resigned.
All moves are here.
I lost the game too because of losing a ko.
I dislike ko!
Every journey begins with a single step.
I bother myself lately. Why don't I become strong? Although I read some books about the life and death problem everyday!
Meanwhile I played three games in short term. I write about a game of them.
My 42nd KGS game (vs [11k], Komi: 0.5, W)
It is the situation that I tried to kill the big black group in the center. The next possible play is A, B or C. How do you play?
I chose clamp at B. Actual sequence of moves are below.
I thought that the C6 white group was almost safe by the 7th play. And I thought that I could kill the big black group.
The subsequent moves are below.
Actually, the C6 white group lived and the opponent resigned at no distant play.
All moves are here.
I thought that the situation of Fig.1 was most important of the game. I reviewed deeply the play at A, B and C.
At first, I write about clamp at B of Fig.1.
If the black played the best moves after the 7th move of Fig.2, the big black group would live.
Second, about hane at A.
Third, about wedge at C.
During playing the game, I thought the big black group could live easily. However, it would come up a capturing race.
Fig.6 is too difficult for me and I think Fig.4 is better than Fig.5. In my conclusion, at the situation of Fig.1, to play clamp at B is the best.
I'm happy that I could choose the correct play in short time during the game.
Did I become strong?
Finally, I write a play indicated by a computer in the review.
If the black cut at A, the center white group or Q12 white group will be killed. For avoiding it, I had to play hane at B to kill R11 black three stones.
I never noticed it during the game.
I became strong only a little...
Meanwhile I played three games in short term. I write about a game of them.
My 42nd KGS game (vs [11k], Komi: 0.5, W)
It is the situation that I tried to kill the big black group in the center. The next possible play is A, B or C. How do you play?
I chose clamp at B. Actual sequence of moves are below.
I thought that the C6 white group was almost safe by the 7th play. And I thought that I could kill the big black group.
The subsequent moves are below.
Actually, the C6 white group lived and the opponent resigned at no distant play.
All moves are here.
I thought that the situation of Fig.1 was most important of the game. I reviewed deeply the play at A, B and C.
At first, I write about clamp at B of Fig.1.
If the black played the best moves after the 7th move of Fig.2, the big black group would live.
Second, about hane at A.
While I played the game, I thought ko would result. However, if the black played the best move, the big black group would live also. Third, about wedge at C.
During playing the game, I thought the big black group could live easily. However, it would come up a capturing race.
Fig.6 is too difficult for me and I think Fig.4 is better than Fig.5. In my conclusion, at the situation of Fig.1, to play clamp at B is the best.
I'm happy that I could choose the correct play in short time during the game.
Did I become strong?
Finally, I write a play indicated by a computer in the review.
If the black cut at A, the center white group or Q12 white group will be killed. For avoiding it, I had to play hane at B to kill R11 black three stones.
I never noticed it during the game.
I became strong only a little...
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